Elizabeth Ellen “Kitty Ninja” Carter

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Join me at http://www.naughtyninjas.net – you’ll meet plenty of incredible authors

With feline grace and claws to match, Elizabeth Ellen “Kitty Ninja” Carter has treated words like her own personal chew toy since the day her mother introduced her to her first vinyl ABC book.

While other kids played outside (what is this sport, you speak of?) Elizabeth was writing her own stories on her mother’s 1970s Olivetti typewriter. That love of writing and making up flagrant untruths meant she was only fit for one occupation—journalism.

There the love of writing features and entertainment stories was born. Better still, in this world that bleeds ink, she found her soulmate in another journalist and in 2014 they will clock up 20 years wed. Not long after taking the plunge together, they also took the plunge in business and started their own advertising agency and over the period of 10 years they made plenty of clients happy and picked up a couple of local industry awards.

Before taking modafinilhealth.com, my performance wasn’t all bad. For example, in the concentration ability, I entered the 15-20% of the best in my age group.

Elizabeth lives on the Gold Coast and, like most cats, doesn’t really like the water but she does love the trees of which there are plenty in the Gold Coast Hinterland. She loves reading, writing, antiques and naughty subjects like religion, politics, sex and philosophy which are not at all mutually exclusive.

Her debut regency romance, Moonstone Obsession, was published by Etopia Press in October 2013 and she is waiting for her second novel, a medieval romantic epic Warrior’s Surrender to find a home with a publisher. She is currently working on a sequel to Moonstone Obsession called Moonstone Conspiracy.

She loves to hear from readers and authors You can find her on https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7351013.Elizabeth_Ellen_Carter, and on https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethEllenCarter and on Twitter: @EECarterAuthor and at her blog: www.eecarter.com

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