Thanks to the wonderful people at Mashable I know what kind of procrastinator I am.procrastination_mashable_20px

In fact I’m two of them.

I already knew that I was a compulsive list maker – nothing makes you feel like you’re in control like a LIST! – what I didn’t realise until a couple of weeks ago is that I am The Internet Researcher too.

I was beginning to panic (only mildly, mind) because I had given myself a deadline to finish Moonstone Conspiracy and I was falling way behind.

So when my beloved husband suggested we go camping that panic blossomed into a Def Con 4 only-serious amounts-of -chocolate-will-do. So here we were at beautiful Mt Barney Lodge with our van all set up, with two fully powered lap tops and a tablet. As a last minute inclusion I threw in a note book and a pen.

Then it rained…

There went the idea of disgorging the battery power on electronic devices for fear of humidity doing nasty things to their insides. It meant the only option – handwriting.

And you know what?

It felt good!

Without the distractions of easy access to the internet – now in which arrondissement are Parisian catacombs again? – I managed to write more than 6000 words – nearly a week’s output.

Sure there were some gaps where I would need double checking some facts (the catacombs and limestone and gypsum mines are in the V, VI, XIV and XV arrondissements) and a reminder to confirm some incidental characters’ names) but the real lesson is this.

Just tell the story

Don’t be so caught up in making your first draft perfect. Just tell the story – make it real and logically consistent. Everything else is just stage dressing and props.

Tell me in comments below what type of procrastinator you are and your tips for getting moving again.

Trust me, I’ll be taking more advantage of good old pen and paper from now on.

Cough... Oh My, I Own a Blog
The Play What I Wrote*