
A lovely sunny blog award I’m thrilled!

I have been presented with a wonderful little blog award by the incomparable Shehanne Moore, a talented author of smexy historical romances,a  raconteur and all round fabulous gal.

She has passed the baton over to me to be another  keeper of the Real Neat Blog Award!

Actually, I can only assume I was nominated by Shehanne, because she has some very clever hamsters who are quite capable of high jacking her blog and causing so much mayhem.


Oops you didn’t really see me here. I gotta go.



Who was that?



Well, anyway…
Here are the rules:

  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.
  4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
  5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

The questions:

QUESTION 1 Where do most visits to your blog come from?

Most of my visitors come from Australia but I’d love to have visitors from all around the world. Everyone’s welcome, especially if you love cats. And books.

Especially romances.

Particularly historical romance.

QUESTION 2 What is your favourite sport?

Is reading counted as a sport?

QUESTION 3 What has been a special moment for you in 2014?


He’s multi-talented. Hubby can also trim a pretty fab tree!

One of the special moments for me this year has been meeting three wonderful authors in real life as well as on the internet:

Susanne Bellamy, Eva Scott and Noelle Clark.

From our very first lunch meeting in April we’ve become very good friends. We had our first collaboration this year, a short story anthology called A Season To Remember.

It was a family affair, my darling husband (here he is putting up the Christmas tree this year) did the production and formatting. He’s also a wonderful writer himself (one day he will actually finish his novel, but in the meantime he is my critique partner, beta reader and editor).

Seeing my second full length novel come out was an amazing experience. When I first met the girls, I didn’t have a contract and wasn’t sure whether I would have a full-length release this year, but I did with Warrior’s Surrender in November.

I also enjoyed writing short stories. It is a very different discipline. I’ve written one more this year and I’m looking at writing at least two more in 2015 – possibly three, we’ll see where the year goes.

This year I played host to three lovely people from the United States who had won a trip to Australia through my day job as marketing manager of Miessence. I had such a wonderful time. It was like a three day house party!

QUESTION 4 What is your favourite quote?


QUESTION 5. What was your favourite class when still at school?

Trick question right? It has to be English!

QUESTION 6. Anything you had wished to have learned earlier?


QUESTION 7. What musical instrument have you tried to play?

The recorder, piano and guitar and I was lousy at all of them.

Now, let’s see if I’ve fulfilled the criteria to receive my lovely award…

I would like to nominate:

*No actual hamsters were harmed in the making of this blog.

Christmas with EE Carter - A Christmas Carol (1971)
Christmas with EE Carter - How The Ghosts Stole Christmas