909, 2014
Catching My Breath
Wow - what a huge few weeks it's been for
509, 2014
Cover Reveal Day – A Season To Remember
As many of you know, I've been working on a
2808, 2014
A Season To Remember Blog Hop Season
There are times when you meet people you feel like
2708, 2014
Hunky Heroes – All Shook Up
This is a picture of EE Carter's husband.
2408, 2014
Scarlett Women
One of the interesting things about reading reviews of romance
1808, 2014
Meet Lady Alfreya of Tyrswick
I've been tagged by the fellow Etopia Author Nikki Dee
1608, 2014
Hop To It
Edit kitty is editing One of the biggest
1308, 2014
Man Up!
Colin Firth as Mr Darcy - passion, violence and