Wow – what a huge few weeks it’s been for me.

In addition to going through edits for Warrior’s Surrender (and I’ll share some big news in a bit, so be patient…) and revisions for Moonstone Conspiracy, my real life working world had me holding the fort while my marketing assistant went on holiday (and got engaged – congratulations Sarah!), helping to run a conference for the company directors and 20 guests who stayed at Uluru.

Then my husband and I had a wonderful time over the weekend playing host to three of the guests from the US who decided to pay us a visit here on the Gold Coast (you know, they were in the area, so they’d drop in :) ).

That means three days away from the computer which means I’m a little bit late bringing you this news”

Warrior’s Surrender has a new release date:

I’m very excited by this, because that turns out to be the day before my debut historical romance, Moonstone Obsession, has its book birthday!

Stop Press: Warrior’s Surrender release date has now been confirmed as November 7. Put it in your diary!

On this blog, October will be dedicated to a good old fashioned Medieval Faire with games and prizes and interesting tidbits of medieval life and culture – including weekly recipes!

October will also be dedicated to showcasing A Season To Remember, the short story anthology that I have been privileged to be a part of you can catch up with our characters in a one-on-one interview on Eva Scott’s blog, and then hop over to Noelle Clark’s blog where she has released the first of four ‘micro-stories’ in which characters from each of the four very different stories meet one another.

It’s great fun!

Well the next step is waiting for the cover for Warrior’s Surrender. I can’t wait to see it and I can’t wait to show it to you!

Cover Reveal Day - A Season To Remember
A Gem of a Tale