Well, it’s opening night.

The cast are backstage in their costumes waiting for the theatre doors to open.

It’s a quiet moment. One for reflection, about the journey, about the rehearsals, about the behind the scenes dramas – the story behind the story.

There’s excitement but there’s also the fizz of nerves that settles in the belly, of adrenaline pumped, primed and ready to be released.

There is also great expectancy… and humility.

The writer is here.

She loves her characters. From the leads to the extras, all the cast know their lines and are note perfect. The costumes are beautiful and the sets exquisite.

But she is the most nervous of them all. This is the acid test. Her soul has been laid bare.

Will they like her words or will the critics be harsh?

Will the audience find the humour where there is humour, tears where there are tears, rejoice where there is love?

The writer-director and the cast wait.

The backstage clock ticks over with agonising slowness. Opening curtain can’t come soon enough and yet it will be here all too quickly.

They wait for the theatre doors to open.

Meet the Real Elizabeth
Moonstone Obsession Release Day!